Conjure Animals 5e Broken

[5e] problem with conjure animals.
Conjure animals 5e broken. What makes it so annoying? For example, conjuring 8 challenge rating 1/4 elk created an instant stampede. Concentration, up to 1 hour you summon a fey…
The spells imply the caster gets to choose which creatures appear. Previously, we discussed conjure animals, conjure celestial, conjure minor elementals, conjure woodland beings, and conjure elemental. Polymorph is a 4th level transmutation spell that is usable by wizards.
Previously, we discussed conjure animals, conjure celestial, conjure minor elementals, conjure woodland beings, and conjure elemental. Is the summon woodland beings spell (to summon pixies) broken? This is part of the 5e system reference is covered by the open game license v1.0a, rather than the gnu free documentation license distinguish it, these items will have this notice.
On her turn their first fight after doing so she conjured eight constrictor snakes (eight creatures of cr 1/4) on top of the two melee monsters, basically guaranteeing that they would be restrained. Giant insect gives you total control of what you get in addition to giving you more/bigger creatures. A spell being restricted from a campaign?
Conjure animals, conjure celestial, conjure minor elementals, and conjure woodland beings are just a few examples. The crucial spell is conjure animals, which requires concentration and therefore prevents the lizardfolk shaman from casting its other most potentially effective spell, entangle. Also you don't have to deal with fey spirits, which is an incalculable benefit.
Conjure animals belongs to a class of annoying spells including conjure minor elementals and conjure woodland beings. As always, let's read the spell's text: Green hag is currently the only fey creature that isn’t a valid target for the minor version of this spell.