Exotic Animals As Pets Articles
Endangered exotic pets on social media in the middle east:
Exotic animals as pets articles. Inside the exotic pet trade states, “the practice of importing and exporting wild animals as pets has been happening for decades, and often, entertainment fads determine which wild animals are the pets de jour” (“inside” 1). They likely make poor pets in comparison to other more popular exotic carnivores. The dangers of keeping exotic pets.
The tiniest exotic pets you can own. The trade in and keeping of exotic pets has been frequently criticized for the commonly inhumane and harmful practices that are associated with supply and keeping, including animal welfare, species conservation, invasiveness, and public health and safety. People for the ethical treatment of animals (peta) november 2010.
Some of this trade is legal, but many times animals are captured from the wild illegally to supply demand for exotic pets. The booming business in exotic pets is known as the exotic pet trade. To be clear, exotic animals are not domesticated, and they vary greatly in shapes and sizes.
Examples are as diverse as the (a) central bearded dragon (pogona vitticeps) and (b) powder blue surgeonfish (acanthurus leucosternon). The state now requires owners of “dangerous exotic animals” to have a permit, to microchip their pets, to establish a relationship with a veterinarian, and to buy insurance. Dragons are sourced from captive breeding facilities and surgeonfish from the wild, and although neither species is considered threatened with extinction, it is illegal to export dragons from their native australian range.
However, instances of a pet chimp attacking its owner or a big cat mauling its keeper are not rare. Many of these exotic pet species are not domesticated, and often have special requirements in captivity, which many owners do not have the facilities or. Where they are not a threat to the ecosystem.
The reasons vary from person to person. The exotic animal trade is dangerous for humans as well. In the recent past, the exotic pets have extended to both.