Newly Extinct Animals 2019

Balázs farkas et al, a new species of pelodiscus from northeastern indochina (testudines, trionychidae), zookeys (2019).
Newly extinct animals 2019. By cedric jackson contributor at animal channel there is no question that humans have a strong impact on the planet, and this impact is not always good. When an entire animal or plant species is completely wiped off of the planet, never to be seen again, it has gone extinct. These incredible animals will never roam earth again.
We've listed below some of the most remarkable species rediscoveries made in recent years. These are known as extinct animals. Over the last century, nearly 500 species have perished from earth, mostly at the hand of the human race.
The 17 most endangered species in the world. 20 extinct animals we've lost in the past 150 years. Whether we are in the midst of a mass extinction or not, it’s clear that we are losing species at an alarming rate.
Occasionally, animals feared extinct will become surprisingly adaptable to changing environments. California academy of sciences researchers discovered 71 new animal and plant species in 2019. Since then, roughly 80 mammal species have become extinct.
8 animals “discovered” in 2019 lela nargi updated: Dozens of species have gone extinct in recent years. By julie gerstein and daisy hernandez.
[citation needed] in 2019, the first chinese commercially cloned cat, garlic, was created by sinogene biotechnology. This is a list of animals that have been cloned. For the three other newly defined species of grassland earless dragon, the new study will help to set up new breeding programs and expand existing ones, says jane melville.