The Animals Went In Two By Two Song Lyrics

The ants go marching three by three, hurrah, hurrah the ants go marching three by three.
The animals went in two by two song lyrics. The animals went in two by two, hurrah! The animals went in two by two, the elephant and the kangaroo and they all went into the ark, for to get out of the rain. One man went to mow, went to mow a meadow, one man and his dog, went to mow a meadow two man went to mow, went to mow a meadow, two man, on
The animals went in two by two, the elephant and the kangaroo. The animals went in two by two the elephant and the kangaroo and they all went into the ark The elephant and the kangaroo.
The animals went in two by two the elephant and the kangaroo and they all went into the ark for to get out of the rain. And they all went into the ark, for to get out of the rain. And they wentinto the ark before it rained.
The animals went in three by three, the wasp, the ant and the bumble bee For use in junior church, sunday school, christian camp etc. The animals went in two by two, the elephant and the kangaroo and they all went into the ark, for to get out of the rain.
The animals went in two by two. The animals went in three by three, hurrah! All open chords with a bit of an f.
The animals went in three by three, hurrah! The rain came down, it started to pour, uh huh, uh huh. The animals went in three by three, hurrah!